Monday, 28 May 2018

So, my apologies to anyone trying to reach me by phone today.  Google has updated my phone to the point where it's stuck in a boot loop and won't turn off.

The intertubes tell me if the phone can be powered off, a soft reset will occur, but for that to occur the phone will have to stay in the boot loop until the battery is discharged.  Probably only a couple of hours.

I still am very skeptical this will do anything as the phone was already somewhat pooched this morning anyway.  I tried to send a text message to a friend, but the idiots at Google insisted all text input would have to be done by voice.

Thanks Google, very nice if I'm hiding in a closet trying not to be kidnapped raped or killed.  I definitely want to be talking and not typing.

So once again the intertubes to the rescue.  Apparently you can resolve this aberrant voice input nonsense by disabling this that or the other thing.  Fine and good if all the user controls aren't greyed out and you are prevented from disabling all the little things.

I eventually found a way to enable the ability to disable the things and so, disabled them.  That is when the fit hit the shan and I was standing right there, face close and filled with hope.
I pause here, momentarily, to recommend the reader locate and read an interesting book by George Orwell entitled 1984.  Also, pretty much anything written by Philip K. Dick.
So, now the phone is quietly booting and rebooting, sort of like the dead husk of a winter housefly as it circles the drain.

Shit, barely afternoon on a Monday and I need a drink.

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