Saturday, 19 May 2018

Tar Sands politician stamps oily black feet

There was this:

Alberta passes bill 'to turn off the taps' to B.C. over pipeline delays

Yeah, it's more about the oil pipeline squabble, but at this point who really cares?

To be sure there is nothing I find redeeming about the Tar Sands.  It's a dirty filthy way to make money and the oil industry can starve for all I care.  Similarly, no sympathy for those rich hippies who buy a hybrid "because it's just the right thing to do", and are incapable of finding a practical halfway point through which the rest of us can transition to the post-oil world.

What I wanted to post today is a plea for them all the shut the fuck up.

Everyone in the country knows BC and Alberta make a hobby out of pissing over the border on the other guys' flower garden.  It's no longer about whether one party or the other has the right of something or not, it's about cowardly politicians waving their wieners around and threatening each other rather than actually doing something more than bleating into the darkness.

If you want to turn off the tap, then do so. Just shut up about it.

The rest of us are sick of how such an insignificant and localized issue has been blown out of proportion.  The Tar Sands oil industry is not the center point around which the rest of the nation revolves.  It's a quick and dirty money grab by those who run it, those who regulate it and those who work in it.

Western politicians should grow something to go with their wieners and take a stab at diversifying their economy rather than sucking harder on the collapsing straw of the past. Or maybe you'd prefer eating Tar fed beef.

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