Friday, 18 May 2018

I first posted this on Facebook, May 13th:

"Those of you aware of my adventures with Car Jumping Guy, will be amused to hear that auto oriented misadventures may now be trying to visit me at home.
"I'm out in the driveway doing yard work, with my back to the road. Suddenly there is a commotion behind me, the sound of a huge amount of road gravel taking part in a skid. I look around and there is this giant cloud of dust in which I can barely detect a silver Saturn sliding sideways down the road and coming to a gritty halt at the end of the driveway.
"It sits for a moment, starts forward as though intending to invade the ditch across the road and then comes to another stop. At this point I yell out "Is everyone okay?" expecting physical distress, but the car straightens out and makes a couple of abortive leaps forward before settling down and on it's way.
"I could see a young man at the wheel pulling back and forth trying to accustom himself to pedals and wheels and a very very patient Dad in the passenger seat.
All I could think as I laughed was, "Good job Daddy. Very very brave Daddy!"
Some one's Mother's Day gift will be her man-folk getting home safely."

There has been a very slight update.

Later that day I crossed the road to check for mail and got a good look at the tire tracks on the road.  I think Dad thought this was a good long road straight road and a good easy first time behind the wheel.

You see could where the car came over the slight rise in the road and things out out of hand. There was a slight swerve as the driver made a steering correction that was just a bit too much, followed by a swerve in the other direction with the same effect, slightly magnified, followed by another swerve and it's about there where you can see the start of the sideways slide as I imagine inside the car Dad is screaming braaaaaaaakes!

As a famous broadcaster said on many occasions, "And now you know, the rest of the story."

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