Monday, 4 June 2018

Detours and Tulips - the rural life

There have been far too many cars zooming up and down my quiet country road in the past couple of weeks.  Normally, the day is good for half a dozen vehicles, most of which are farm machines of one sort or another and there are a lot of different things to see in that regard alone.

It took me the better part of a week to catch on that the road one over is having a culvert replaced.  It's one of those low valley "have to accommodate the road" sorts of things.

I don't recall this particular road having drainage problems, but frankly it's been over a year since I've been on 257 and anything could have happened.

So now the road is torn up, they're dug a great ditch there and they're putting in new drainy stuff.

The Big Dig
Big Drainy Stuff

Also, it's that Vanco time of year when the tulip fields are in bloom and people feel obliged to stomp all over the fields despite the many clear and well placed signs.

 In fact, the only pleasant thing about the detour is that it takes you right past the tulip fields.

The final stop on my way home was to take a shot of the stream that runs under my own road.  It's been a dry spring so what is usually a rushing torrent this time of the year looks like a mid-summer stroll.  No doubt the beavers that live just around the far corner in that shot are well ahead in building lodges and dams to slow things down.

That's it for today!  Hope your day is as pleasant.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I was so immersed by your prose I didn't think to see if I could comment - well how about that, you can! It's been a dry spring. I cut the grass for the very first time on Friday and the ground was dry. The sump pump rarely comes on. In previous years it would be coming on every 20 minutes.


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