Friday, 16 December 2011

My little corner of the Blogosphere

If anyone tells you that writing a blog is simple, easy or some other sort of larking about, punch them in the beak for me.

I have a difficult enough time writing my own blog and now friends of mine, some who are veteran bloggers, others who started around the same time as me, have been on my back about reading their blogs.  rightly so I guess, as I promised them all a mention here and haven't even done one of those yet!

So, here is the update on my little corner of the Blogosphere!

My friend Holly went back to school this fall. She's taking a course in Interactive Multimedia.  Holly is already an accomplished graphic artist but I think she may have found her 'special little niche' when it comes to moving pictures.  She's been spending a lot of time on her video projects and especially flash animation (which I think is her strong suit).

The end of semester quickly approaches and hopefully she has been able to move past that little bit of controversy regarding her "Call to Action" video.  Go check it out!

Sandy Carruthers is a long time comic illustrator. He was the original artist for the Men in Black, and for a number of years has been illustrating kids adventure books. The latest is out now, called "Peril in Summerland Park", which is available from Lerner Publishing Group.  Sandy also penned political cartoons for over a decade at the local newspaper. As if that isn't busy enough for ya, he also has his own comic book character. Canadiana might soon be hitting the paper as it were.

Never one to let his own muse rest idly, Sandy has been practising his inking skills with a Cintic Tablet from Wacom.  Get on over to his blog and check out how the Sandy and the Cintiq do on the sketches of some of the comic book masters.

In other gadget news, the Nearly Mad Mind continues to dig out neat stuff, this time around a multi-lens addition that will make your iPhone look like one of the machines your eye doctor uses.  It might even take better photos as a result!

Kent is also a book reviewer and has added another to the growing library of books he has reviewed on the subject of Moodle.  His latest is "Moodle 2 for Teaching 4-9 year olds".  The Madman is the administrator for the E-Learning system (Moodle) where I work, so if you have questions about Moodle, get over to his blog!

Last but not least is the veteran of my blogging world and the single biggest motivator for my own blogging.  Bonnie Stewart has shared her personal ups and downs, her educational adventure and many other aspects of her life, with the tools warm humour, sharp analysis, and a somewhat other-worldly compassion.  The latest adventure at cribchronicles is her family's move to a new crib, er pad, uh house!  The story is gold with a bit of a twist.

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