Oh sure, here on the surface of our planet there are big things. There are pyramids and long rivers, deep gouges in the face of the planet and the Great Wall. Our planets is a big thing and yet it's puny compared to others planets in our Solar System.
Hell, Our planet is puny compared to the storms on other planets, like this doozey on Saturn:
That photo was taken by Cassini. If you follow me on Twitter, you've heard me bleat on about how much I love Cassini because it takes pictures of Saturn.
Anyway, this picture is what they call a false colour image which means the colours were added so that our eyes can see the details. It's pretty fuzzy compared to other pictures taken by Cassini, and I encourage you to visit the Cassini spacecraft's homepage for some pictures that will blow your mind, possibly even freak the daylights out of you.
Recently, a fairly big thing went zipping right by our little blue marble - closer even than the moon* ever gets.
I neglected to record who took this picture. If it's yours, let me know how to attribute it please.
The International Space Station is not the only spacecraft to have visited our solar system, although I think it was some sort of time travel that brought the Borg cube this far.
Oh, I'm sorry, was I supposed to write something serious?
* - the moon is actually slowly moving away from us. It makes me a little sad to think that someday Earth will be without its constant companion.
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