Thursday, 27 October 2011

Not a lot of options

I have a lot swirling around in my mind right now, but none of it's coming out coherently.

I chatted with someone today about blogging and while I have a lot to say (for someone who just started himself) I'm torn between wanting to reveal my journey and not wanted to bore anyone with YAWIBBE - Yet Another "Why I Blog" Blog Entry (tm).

However, I always have room for a quotation ;)
"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different."
 ~ Kurt Vonnegut
Perhaps, that is the true nature of blogging.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Blog 2.0

This is the first evolution of my blog. The first blog was a short term experiment over at Tumblr. Feel free to peruse Blog 1.0 at Tumblr.

Yes, apparently I lied in my first post when I said you'd probably never see it. After doing a backup and going over what I thought were meagre posts, I realized there was a lot there I liked, so I may re-post some of the items here in the next few days, just to warm the place up a bit ;)

Got royal hang from The Man in Black last week. He found my blog alright, but the story goes that it was a hideous and peril fraught journey into some of the darkest corners of the mind of H.P. Lovecraft. I may be exaggerating, but I was glad he couldn't find it, and here's the long-winded reason why.

Everyone to whom I've mentioned blogging always asks right off, what is it about?  It's also a theme in everything I've read about writing for a blog.  My research isn't encyclopedic but you pick things up.

In this case, I really am not writing about any single thing. I have a lot of interests and I couldn't write about just one.  So for now, I write about anything that interests me but that can't be expressed in 140 characters. If you're following me on Twitter you will no doubt will see some overlap with a little more jumping and shouting going on here.

Even though I don't have a central theme the experiment at Tumblr allowed me to try out a few things involving writing and also some of the automation that can be found behind blogging. Now that I've stretched those muscles, I'm ready to dig in.

I chose Blogger mostly because I have some friends who have blogs here, and following them is easier. I also hang out on Google+ and use Gmail, so the integration between those services is attractive/convenient as well.

Surely, the Man in Black will be able to find me now.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

First Post to Blogger - it's all still an experiment

I starting blogging just a couple of weeks ago. No, you probably won't ever find that blog and I suspect it will be some time before anyone even sees this post.  But even a virtual life needs to have a "Hello World" moment, and this is it.